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Daniel Öhrvall

Daniel Öhrvall is a doctoral student financed by the Sankt Ignatios Foundation and a Director of Studies and Communications.

In 2009 he received his BA, and in 2017 he qualified as Religious Educator from the Sankt Ignatios Foundation. In 2021 he finalized his first year master “A Space of uncertainty: The Relevance of Canon law in the Aftermath of the Scholastic School” and was the same year accepted as a doctoral student at the University College Stockholm, department of Eastern Christian Studies.

Daniel Öhrvall´s research interest focuses on legality and canon law in Contemporary Byzantine Orthodox Churches and how this segment relates to theology and freedom.


Doctoral Student; Director of Studies and Communications; Lecturer, History of Christianity with Systematic Theology



2021, A Space of uncertainty: The Relevance of Canon law in the Aftermath of the Scholastic SchooI, Magister thesis, available here

2014, Ett ortodoxt perspektiv på rättvis fred, in “Att slå följe för fred, åtta röster om tro och handling, ed: Olle Kristenson, Björn Cedersjö, Maria Bäcklund och Henrik Rosén”, p. 130-155
